Mira que chulo... Los Nazis de la AMA dando su respaldo... MAMONES...
The American Motorcyclist Association URL for this article: www.amadirectlink.com/news/2007/PR.asp
Posted September 7, 2007
Puerto Rico passes strict new law regulating motorcyclists
Where can you find the strictest government regulations on motorcyclists in the United States? Not in any of the 50 states, but in the U.S.territory of Puerto Rico.
A measure recently signed into law by the governor of Puerto Rico will require riders to wear not only a helmet, but also gloves, boots, and long pants. After dark, riders must wear a reflective vest, and the law also tightens age restrictions on riders and imposes new testing requirements. In some ways, the law is even more restrictive than the requirements on many U.S. military bases.
Legislative sponsors said the law was a response to increasing numbers of motorcycle fatalities on the Caribbean island.
Between 2000 and 2005, the number of motorcycles and scooters registered in Puerto Rico more than doubled. Several factors encourage motorcycle use, including the year-round riding weather and the congestion of nearly 4 million residents on a 3,500-square-mile island. In general, gasoline is slightly more expensive than in the 50 states, while average household incomes are lower than in any of the states. In that environment, sales of inexpensive Chinese-built scooters have boomed in recent years as more residents in the crowded San Juan metropolitan area turned to them for affordable and fun transportation, in addition to steady sales of full-size motorcycles.
"This considerable increase in the purchase and use of motorcycles as an alternative means of transportation has brought with it an unprecedented increase in motorcycle accidents, and, at the same time, a dramatic increase in deaths from those accidents," the legislation states.
The new requirements include:
§Puerto Rico already required helmet use, but the new law also requires gloves, boots that cover the ankles, and long pants. Between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m., riders and passengers must wear a reflective vest.
§Riders must be 18 years of age, and passengers must be at least 12.
§New riders must pass a test on the first try to obtain a motorcycle endorsement. If they do not pass, they have to take a government-approved training course.
§The law adds motorcyclists to the list of school bus drivers, truck drivers, and heavy equipment operators who are subject to a legal blood-alcohol limit of 0.02 percent, instead of the 0.08 percent limit applied to car drivers.
§The law specifically prohibits lane-sharing, an accepted practice in Puerto Rico that can easily cut in half the time of a rush-hour commute in the San Juan area.
§The law imposes an additional $10 charge for taking the motorcycle endorsement test and an additional $10 charge for renewing an annual motorcycle registration.
The law takes effect in October. It calls for the creation of eight training centers around the island to license new riders and budgets $250,000 to start the program. But it's not likely the centers will be running by the time the law takes effect.
Owners of currently registered motorcycles are allowed to continue riding, but will have to comply with the new licensing requirements when they renew their drivers licenses.
The law essentially moves Puerto Rico from having less stringent regulations than most states to having more restrictive requirements than any of the 50 states. Previously, motorcyclists in Puerto Rico were not required to pass a riding test and get a motorcycle endorsement unless they wanted to use the island's toll highways.
Ya los negocios de motoras estaban aleteando ahora el golpe va ser a los que las alquilan, como vas a regular a un turista que viene a PR y alquila una motora. EL turista motocilcista ahora podra decidir y es facil para el no venir a PR.
Vamos a ver quien tiene mas pull en los medios de usa-ito en esto de motoras.. ya veo que me voy a tener que poner a escribir un comunicado sabroson....
Ya los negocios de motoras estaban aleteando ahora el golpe va ser a los que las alquilan, como vas a regular a un turista que viene a PR y alquila una motora. EL turista motocilcista ahora podra decidir y es facil para el no venir a PR.
Vaya tienes razon aqui en el Cath Lab estavamos leyendo el report y me dicen quie va a ponerse todo eso con la temp de alla its crazy.......mejor viajar en carro q parecerce a michael Jacson.....
Yo debo entender que los afrentaos vendedores o dealers de motoras que apoyaron la legislacion empezaran a gritar cuando vean que todo su inventario excesivamente caro, empiece a quedarse en sus racks, ademas que las ventas de todo tipo de motora bajaran, lo mas inportante que debemos hacer es castigar a los legislabestias, no dandoles el voto, no podemos seguir siendo unos añangotaos, somos una nacion no unos esclavos, pero el fanatismo politico que existe aqui le nubla la vista a todos los wanabe politicians
"I'm not here for long time, just only for Good Times" "Times Fly when we are having RUM"
Oye! Que bien explicaito esta en ingles! El mejor resumen de la porqueria de ley que he leido hasta ahora. Donde unico se equivocan es en 'boots' , debe decir 'footwear' (hello converse hightops,jaja).
La legislacion se va a 'enforzar' (enforce) en las carr principales nada mas. Que pasa en las miles de millas de carr del interior? En el barrio Sobaco del Mono, van a seguir corriendo scooter sin casco y con una cerveza en la mano. Asi que legislaron pa na'. Pa' joder con los que salen a dominguear (porque ahi si vas a ver a los azules).
Castigarlos con el voto? Sure, pero que resuelve? Al mamao que pierde en las elecciones, sus panitas lo ponen de asesor o jefe de agencia. Te imaginas a Cristobal Colon como jefe del DTOP?? HORROR!
Oye! Que bien explicaito esta en ingles! El mejor resumen de la porqueria de ley que he leido hasta ahora. Donde unico se equivocan es en 'boots' , debe decir 'footwear' (hello converse hightops,jaja).
La legislacion se va a 'enforzar' (enforce) en las carr principales nada mas. Que pasa en las miles de millas de carr del interior? En el barrio Sobaco del Mono, van a seguir corriendo scooter sin casco y con una cerveza en la mano. Asi que legislaron pa na'. Pa' joder con los que salen a dominguear (porque ahi si vas a ver a los azules).
Castigarlos con el voto? Sure, pero que resuelve? Al mamao que pierde en las elecciones, sus panitas lo ponen de asesor o jefe de agencia. Te imaginas a Cristobal Colon como jefe del DTOP?? HORROR!
Yo vivo en una carretera de 3 digitos y si un guardia en una fantasma se para en donde yo vivo confisca por lo menos 5 scooters y esas son solamente los que estan jod^%$do en donde yo vivo y van de lo mas felices en cortos sin casco en chancletas hasta por la carretera de 3 digitos que es ESTATAL. Todo puede suceder en la isla de la fantasia.