CONGRESS FORMS MOTORCYCLE CAUCUS-- The U.S. House of Representatives has formed a motorcycle safety caucus, and riders are urged to contact their motorcycle-friendly Reps and ask them to join. A caucus is a group within a legislative body that is assembled to represent a specific interest or influence a particular area of policy. The motorcycle caucus will focus on ways that Congress can improve and advance motorcycle safety efforts.
To become part of this first-ever motorcycle safety caucus, interested House members should contact either caucus co-chairs, Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) or Michael Burgess (R-TX).
Giffords, a freshman member of Congress and an avid motorcycle rider herself, said "We know from national studies that in almost two-thirds of fatal car/motorcycle crashes, the fault was with the driver of the car. We can do more to address this critical problem, and public education is a key to bringing about awareness and a reduction in such accidents."
Burgess is a long time supporter of motorcycling who said he is looking forward to working with motorcyclists across the country on motorcycle safety, education and awareness issues.
Gracias John, buena noticia. Como dice aca "Nadie es rey en su Tierra". Ahora que lo dicen los del norte, que en la mayoria de los accidentes la culpa la tuvo en que iba en jaula, los de aqui les presten atencion y los escuchen. Si al final ven la luz esta bueno, no importa los yrs y miles de personas que se lo han estado diciendo aca en PR tambien.
No se preocupen que ustedes estan haciendo Bien. Cuando has oido en PR Que un grupo de gente proteste en el capitolio y el Gobierno Escuche. Creo que nunca hasta ahora.So mantenganse unidos.....